What can be more frustrating than not being able to hear your collaborator on the far end during a conference call? How many times can you ask someone to repeat what he or she said? The truth is there is nothing more infuriating than when audio fails so we came up with our list of our Top 8 Most Annoying Audio Fails.
- Someone has been messing with the technology
When someone rearranges your system, that techy person that feels the need to add more bass to the audio or adjust a mic to their liking. It’s not a problem; in fact there are many solutions that will automatically adjust for individual settings. There is no need to manually change them; the right system can have multiple pre-programmed settings, so it’s ready to go no matter who was using it before you.
- Voice is out of sync
I see your mouth moving but you’re not saying what I hear you saying… see what I’m sayin’? It can be so confusing to not see what you’re hearing, not being able to see or hear if they are pausing or still talking. Luckily there are solutions that can make sure your system is linked properly and you have the necessary bandwidth to avoid any type of streaming issues.
- Audio levels off, the volume is too low
Sometimes it’s just about having the right audio level for the room you’re in. It it’s too loud it can get distorted but, too low can make it difficult to hear. Taking into account the placing of the speakers you’re able to make the proper adjustments to make sure your volume is just right.
- Echo or cancellation effect
You can’t quite put your finger on it but something just does not sound right, your problem could be because of an echo in the room or you’re hearing phase issues or a cancelation effect. It’s a scenario that can easily be fixed, even when you can’t quite pin point the problem, an expert, such as one of our audio geniuses at AV Planners will be able to help.
- Bad acoustics in the room
Sometime its overlooked, other times you can’t hide it if you find yourself in a conference room with floor to ceiling windows…. But again, it’s workable, adding acoustical panels can greatly improve the acoustics in your room. Read more about these solutions here: Acoustical Panels
- Microphone are poorly placed
People place microphones on tabletops thinking it’s the best place to pick up a conversation… forgetting the amount of noise generated at the table like the vibration of a cell phone, the shuffling of papers or a laptop fan pointed directly at the microphone. You might not realize it, but we will.
- Too much background noise
Background noise can be so in the background that you don’t even realize how loud that air conditioner really is, or the people working down the hall. You’d be surprised the solution available nowadays with sound masking technology. Learn more about it here: Silence is Golden
Don’t let these audio fails happen to you during your next meeting. Reach out today!