In the wake of the pandemic, employers and workers alike attempted to avoid the tight, enclosed spaces that a “huddle space” brainstorm would require.
However, as the world begins to shift back to normal, many organizations (even Tesla!) find that their physical workspace isn’t equipped to handle the more dynamic and tech-based work that’s now become necessary. This is especially true for spaces that are intended for open collaboration and brainstorming.
That’s where the huddle space comes in.
Huddle spaces are unique in their ability to allow close collaboration between employees: whether it be to host a small group discussion, brainstorming session, or impromptu meeting, a huddle space can easily be adapted to fit your needs.
Employees who participate in collaboration can experience a boost in both their morale and productivity, especially now that hybrid work has become the norm.
Will more employees ever want to return to work? To learn more, check out:
What Will it Take for Employees to WANT to Come Back to the Office?
A huddle space provides a unique opportunity to help your employees feel supported and confident in their workspace.
Studies show that small-group discussion and collaboration help people learn more effectively and feel more satisfied with their progress. An updated, technology-based huddle space can provide exactly that opportunity.
Below are our top tips for upgrading or creating an effective, health-conscious, and productive huddle space setting.
Check out our recommendations for the best microphones and audio solutions: Creating the Perfect Audio
Ideal audio solutions are also versatile and adjustable enough to fit the needs of your workspace and its employees.
Remote and tech-based work is no longer a choice, but a necessity. But that doesn’t mean that workplace staples like huddle spaces don’t still serve a very important purpose- it just means we need to update them properly.
At AV Planners, we understand that welcoming, accommodating, and engaging both in-person and remote workers is invaluable.
Contact us today to learn more about the solutions we can introduce to your huddle space and maximize its potential.