Mount Your Equipment Underneath Your Table Surface
UTB Series Universal TechBox Mount your equipment underneath your table surface It might be a question of not...

What's Old Is New Again - Modern Day Phone Booth
Framery O What’s Old, Is New Again Once upon a time, people didn’t have cell phones. In fact, if you needed to...

Crestron TSS-752 Touch Screen Room Scheduler
Crestron TSS-752 A touch screen room scheduler. You might have seen this device mounted on the wall outside a...

This is what a classroom layout has looked like for hundreds of years… until now.
A teacher in front doing most of the talking, students in perfectly aligned rows doing the listening. This is what...

6 Tips To Efficiently Work Remotely Using Technology
Technology in the office should be up to date and efficient. Technology is what makes working off site...

The 1960s Huddle Room - Vintage Office Spaces
The Vintage Huddle Room If you think workplace collaboration is tough, take a look at how real the struggle was...

Bringing IT and AV Together
Bringing IT and AV together - The standard technology you might already have that holds the solution to your audio...

Video Conferencing round the--Thanksgiving table?!?
Wouldn’t it be great if we could videoconference our thanksgiving dinner? We’d save time and money avoiding...

LED Displays That Are Ahead of the Curve
When traditional digital signage isn’t creating the visual statement you’re trying to create, the solution is LED....

The smaller, smarter huddle space by Crestron
Just because it’s a smaller space, doesn’t mean it can’t be a smarter space. Take a look inside the fully equipped...

History with a Local AV Company: Computer Monitors
Computer monitors have changed a lot over the years. Learn more about it from your local AV company, AV Planners,...

When Audio Fails.
What can be more frustrating than not being able to hear your collaborator on the far end during a conference...

Logitech® BASE for iPad Pro
Logitech® BASE Your iPad is not just for on the go, give it a place on your desk. Now your iPad pro can be used as...

Planar PCT2235 -- 22" Touch Screen Monitor
Planar PCT2235 -- 22" Touch Screen Monitor Our handheld devices have moved toward the more intuitive full touch...