Integrating Technology for Powerful Hybrid Events
As conferences and events begin to shift back to in-person, organizers are realizing there is a need to cater to a...
Higher Education in 2022 – Now Is The Time to Start Planning
Summer is the ideal time for schools to update their classrooms and other spaces for the return of students. Even...
Collaboration Equity in Hybrid Workspaces: Audio and Acoustics
Equal access to good sound is a key component that can be overlooked when considering collaboration equity in the...
Collaboration Equity in Hybrid Workspaces: Video Displays
Many technologies contribute to collaboration equity within a hybrid workplace. It’s a well-known fact that when...
The Importance of Collaboration Equity in Hybrid Workspaces: Cameras
As hybrid meetings and conferences have become more common, certain limitations have inevitably arisen regarding...
Establishing Innovative Collaboration Environments Outdoors
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many activities that routinely took place indoors have had to undergo a...
Utilizing Video Walls to Connect with Your Audience
Video walls are an effective way to display information on a very large scale. Consisting of a number of displays...
The Future Workplace: Network Security and Routine Maintenance
When it comes to implementing new technology into a hybrid workplace, properly taking care of your network and...
New Technology for the Future Workplace: Room Scheduling Technology
Employees are increasingly in and out of the office. In the hybrid workplace, employees want to maximize their...
New Technology for the Future Workplace: Voice Lift Technology
With hybrid meeting spaces being the new norm, there are many obstacles to making sure remote meeting participants...
New Technology for the Future Workplace
This blog is the first of a series of blogs focused on the future of workplace technology. Many employees are...
The Importance of Remote Monitoring as Power Becomes Less Reliable
As power reliability continues to decline due to constant overcrowding of the power grid, it’s important to invest...
Encouraging Employees to Safely Return to the Workplace
Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and other corporate leaders have begun opening their doors to bring the...
Why Power Quality Should Be a Priority for Your Office
Every day, our power grid has to accommodate more and more devices, yet grid power is rarely updated....