New Technology for the Future Workplace
This blog is the first of a series of blogs focused on the future of workplace technology. Many employees are...

The Importance of Remote Monitoring as Power Becomes Less Reliable
As power reliability continues to decline due to constant overcrowding of the power grid, it’s important to invest...

Encouraging Employees to Safely Return to the Workplace
Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft and other corporate leaders have begun opening their doors to bring the...

Why Power Quality Should Be a Priority for Your Office
Every day, our power grid has to accommodate more and more devices, yet grid power is rarely updated....

Why Mixed Reality Will Be the Future of Work
As digital spaces increased over the last year, companies have found new technological advancements to improve...

A Solution for Revolutionizing Employee Engagement
Picture this: You’re in an important meeting with clients. It’s time to show your presentation. Unfortunately, the...

Creating a Positive Guest Experience in Healthcare
The healthcare industry has historically been at the forefront of new technology. Patients are driving new...

Why Go on Vacation When You Can Go to the Office?
Companies are searching for a solution that gets their employees excited about returning to the office. According...

How We Select Our Manufacturer Partners
AV Planners is a full-service audio-visual and technology systems integrator serving business, education and other...

AV Planners Featured Product: Microsoft Surface Hub
Teams across the world are looking for ways to collaborate together while working from their own location as the...

Why You Need to Audit Your AV Equipment Before Returning to Work
Organizations around the country are wrestling with how to reopen offices. Companies — and many of their employees...

What Will It Take To Get Employees to Return to the Office?
One of the success stories of the pandemic has been the adoption of remote work. A recent study revealed that 83%...

AV Planners’ Featured Partner Empowers Classroom Collaboration
Education facilities across the world are looking for ways to collaborate together while connecting from their own...

Technology Integration – A Partner In Construction
At AV Planners, our extensive experience working directly with general contractors and building owners enables us...