Computer monitors have changed a lot over the years. Learn more about it from your local AV company, AV Planners, below.
The ‘‘Glass Teletype’’ came about in the early 60s, it was text only but much faster and much more convenient than paper and so it became the main interface between a user and computer for nearly 2 decades.
Late 1970s

Apple’s Steve Wozniak was one of the guys behind the Apple I, it was the first time a CCTV video monitor was used as a display, video outputs! Pretty cool huh?

Get ready for the nostalgia to start hitting… the Commodore 1702. The COLOR composite video monitor with its high(er)-quality image included early S-Video connection and really made your Commodore 64 look awesome! You know, to play Jumpman and stuff.

512 by 342 pixel bitmapped graphics! Yup, with its high-resolution, it was the sharpest and accurate color available, it was the Macintosh II and it changed everything.

Doogie Houser knows what’s up, showing off his IBM 8513 VGA monitor, yup, the very first VGA monitor that soon became standard in most analog video monitors after that for a long while.

Nothing to see here, folks... just beige. Beige everywhere?
Still, a lot of beige going on but ViewSonic was among the first to show off the color LCD monitors that took up less of your desk space and used up less electricity.

The more, the better, this was around the time we wanted more. Multiple monitors weren’t just for photographers or editors, the workplace began to see many displays working together on one desktop.

Touch screen! It would be weird to have a screen you can’t touch. Our obsession with smartphones soon transferred over to monitors. They are fast, durable and dependable. Now they take up less space AND you can even go keyboard optional. Just take a look at the Planar PCT2235… don’t you want it!
Computer Monitor Installation from Your Local AV Company
We’ve come a long way, but you’d still be amazed at the newest tech, contact AV Planners to learn more about the Pro-G Audio line, and wireless hardware that can keep up with you.
Book a time with one of our engineers to get started on your next upgrade today.